Posts tagged ‘obama’


It’s fascinating how many people believe in this stuff.


October 25, 2008 at 9:43 pm Leave a comment

MacIntosh vs. Windows…I mean, Obama and McCaine

First of all, I think whoever wins the election it will be a disaster.  The one thing the U.S. populace has shown over the years is an entire inability to adapt.  This has a lot to do with manipulated news media (“Yellow Journalism”–the name stemming from the short lifetime of the paper first used for papers like The National Enquirer–with us now and ever, with ever more faces), sure.  We’re also all sure it must be someone’s fault, just as long as it’s not our own.

I don’t buy Obama being born in Nigeria, and I didn’t buy stock from the Nigerian claiming to be his grandfather either.  McCaine isn’t a complete idiot and he is a Vietnam vet–and he tests out sane, which is better than I do (veteran of only that war).  Biden seems credible.  As far as Palin goes, I still can’t quite believe that she isn’t just a fraud–a joke, although that’s punishable by a heavy fine and possible imprisonment.

Both will make most decisions on the advice of officeholders.  The infrastructure holds the information.  And anger the infrastructure and you lose a lot of the control.  Give it up.  I mean, really.  One thing you can assume is that the first one who went to mud-slinging had the least to offer on his own in positive terms.  Unfortunately, I’m afraid some buck-toothed inbred will be unable to take it if Mr. Obama does make it to the presidency.  I’m also afraid of McCaine’s age, health and potential successor, because I wouldn’t want her running the neighborhood bar–personal opinion, mind.  I’m sure she’s very good at things.  Some things.  I just wouldn’t guess what, both from inability and fear of being labeled a sexist.  I would much rather see Paris Hilton as president, and that has absolutely nothing to do with anything but intelligence.

But each will bash the other.  The Republicans are blaming the Democrats, who are apparently in power (in the Oval Office, no less–the power behind the throne? the puppet master? Svengali?) for the financial mess, which was being predicted by anyone above retarded because of the loosening of controls on loans to non-existence on Greenspan’s instructions.  The Democrats, oddly enough, are saying a Republican was in office.  Odd idea, that.

And no matter who wins the election, it will be their fault and it should have been fixed yesterday.  Where would we be without edited news?   But I believe.  It’s the other guys’ fault.


October 25, 2008 at 4:34 am Leave a comment

My Vote For President

Obama seems primarily an honest man.  Hopefully that’s an act.  Politicians and brokers of power can’t be honest.  (Just as the presence of just one aggressive party in any given group will transform the group’s orientation toward aggression.  Restate:  over time, the primary protocol employed will be aggressive.  And actually, politics seems to stem from the strategy of aggression.)

McCain mostly reminds me of my grandfather.  He was a veteran of Pearl Harbor.  McCain is being fed his lines and probably believes in the ones he can understand; the pursuit of power is the thing, which may be the definition of the Republican Party.  (That’s the $440,000 one, in case you missed the news.  [AIG])

And campaigns have to do with eye-candy.  The electorate does the actual electing, in any case the vote counters are at least suspect (maybe you have to be otherwise unemployable–like having completed parole–in order to qualify for the job) human or machine…and the promises made by anyone don’t have anything to do with what occurs or for matter what they intend.  Nor does what they intend have a lot to do with well, what they do, because that darn thing “reality” keeps getting in the way.  Or so they are advised by various agencies.  Then, of course, there’s the intelligence community which since the days of Richard Nixon says things to the president’s aide in a voice so disguised it can’t be understood, the aide rushes over and tells him (or her) that “They said it’s important”, she says “Okay”, the aide rushes back over and says (in as muffled a voice as possible) “It’s like okay” and then the Shadow melts away.  Or something like that.

And bear in mind that if you have someone with no experience trying to run a country you’d better damned well hope they can’t do much.  And that’s what democracy guarantees.   Or something like that.


October 16, 2008 at 4:07 pm Leave a comment

I Lied. Darwinian Evolution of Banking??

Since when?  It’s a Slate article to which I refer.  I’m in the process of reading the article.  “”The natural course of Darwinian banking has been interrupted by this plan,” a financial analyst said.”  I’m caught between laughter and outrage.  Darwin’s first note was that “natural” evolution basically requires an open as opposed to a closed environment.  Thus once a society has come into being, evolution is in terms of it.  We humans survive with respect to our immediate environment–our society.  That’s why the majority of us can’t survive without society.  It’s in the very first place quite literally unthinkable (just think of the countless comedy movies about the city-slickers trying to…fill in the blank), because we can’t manage to even express the ideas necessary for survival.  We don’t have the knowledge to cut down trees with a chainsaw let alone an axe.  A maul?  A splitting wedge??

My point?  Banks don’t evolve naturally.  That’s beyond a contradiction in terms.  And bear in mind the root word for the industry is actually usury and was morally impossible for Christians for a long time (per the pope) thus the slurs upon the Jews…and the Knights Templar.

One other thing.  Whisper this as you may, state ownership of “public enterprise”–business–is that “communist” thing that people have talked about for years.  The attempted division that political parties have attempted since the dawn of “yellow journalism” (sorry, guys, and technically that includes me) is mythical.  [Yellow journalism of course refers to the cheap paper that the first newspapers were printed on which aged rapidly and turned yellow in the process, and which was the biggest single teacher of reading in the {god, I hate the rabid racism implicit in the phrase} civilized world.

Happiness.  I won’t even address half the issues in the article, or I’d spend the rest of my day on it.  [I was the one who when forced to take history class toward my bachelor’s contributed so much in class the teacher decided it was utterly pointless for me to take a test.]

Bah.  Humbug.  Politics.  The best part about it (I checked, last time; really and for true, I did); the candidates have no obligation whatsoever to follow anything they say while on the campaign trail.  Free translation:  it’s a bunch of bullshit.


October 15, 2008 at 8:05 am Leave a comment

McCain, Obama, Town Hall Meetings

Okay.  So McCain is holding town meetings.  So?  Are you trying to tell me he’s not a politician, a power broker?  As of the end of the Nixon administration, there was an unofficial addendum that certain sorts of matters wouldn’t actually be detailed before the president because of possible or probable culpability.  In other words, tell the president and he can get blamed for knowing.


And that was the most pointless article I’ve read in many years.  It’s basically an article to fill space.  Every statement except that the two won’t be meeting in that venue is contradicted, practically.


July 15, 2008 at 11:05 am Leave a comment

McCain vs. Obama, an observation

I just think it might be more interesting and appropriate if there were a cage fight.  I can’t decide whether or not it should be pay-per-view, though.  This isn’t meant to offend anyone.


July 10, 2008 at 6:42 pm Leave a comment